Mom Life & Feminine Energy- Friends or Foes?

Becoming a mother is arguably the most feminine thing you can do.  But does modern motherhood actually support being in your feminine energy?  In my opinion- it does not.  

Our society expects mothers to manage family life, raise healthy & happy children while also advancing professionally.  Not to mention keeping up with their self care, making sure they get their work outs in, maintaining social relationships and of course, keeping your man happy. 

Well, I call bullsh*t. 

Modern mothers are exhausted from these unrealistic expectations and many are rejecting this idea that they have to wear themselves into the ground to be good mothers and partners.  

So, how can we embrace our feminine energy as modern mothers?

Understanding Our Feminine Energy

First, we have to understand our feminine energy. Feminine energy is about having a softness, a receptivity and leaning into your intuition.  It’s nurturing and compassionate.  It’s also cyclical and honors the need for rest and renewal after periods of productivity and action.  


One of the first ways we can begin to lean into our feminine energy is by embracing our intuition.  Have you ever heard of a “mans intuition”? NO! Because women are blessed with having powerful natural instincts and it’s time that we truly listened to ourselves.  

Understand how powerful you are by innately understanding your children, even your partner and knowing what is right for yourself and your family.  

One way that I have been leaning into my intuition lately is by getting in touch with my body.  Often times we will bulldoze through life and our logical mind will make our decisions for us.  But our bodies never lie.  I know that when I am feeling light and fun, that I’m on the right track or I’ve made the right decision.  When I feel heavy or frustrated, I know that I need to pivot.  Most powerfully, when I have made a logical decision but am in tears about it, I know it’s not right.  My tears are my red alert that I have strayed too far from my own inner knowing.

Self Care

Next up we have self care.  Embracing our feminine energy means prioritizing self care without guilt.  It means that we understand that we have to take care of ourselves to take care of our family.  A powerful way to do this is to make your self care a ritual.  Whether it’s a warm bath, a quiet moment or a walk, let these moments of self care become anchors in your busy life.  

As I mentioned before, feminine energy is cyclical.  It doesn’t mean you are spending all of your time doing skincare and soaking in a tub.  It means that you are taking action that is aligned with your intuition and self-concept (see more on that here) and then resting when needed.  It means you are moving mountains without the hustle.  It means you are going after your goals, but not at the expense of your peace.  


A big part of feminine energy is sisterhood and building community.  As we know, the village can be hard to find for modern mothers but it is essential to our mental health to have other women we can connect and share with.  Whether it’s a mommy and me group, or parents from your kids class, finding moms you can connect with is so powerful.  

I’ll be honest, I just recently started to find my mom tribe and I’m four years into motherhood.  It’s not always easy, so give yourself grace.  We live in a busy, noisy modern world and it can be tricky to find moms that you vibe with.  But it will happen, and if you’re having trouble finding your tribe I’m here for you. Don’t be shy, reach out anytime!

Finding beauty in the everyday

Lastly, feminine energy is all about enjoying the present moment and finding beauty in the everyday.  Make it a goal to find a moment that truly brings you gratitude each day, amidst the chaos.  This may sound cliche and trust me, I know the struggle of appreciating moments when you are IN IT with your kids.  But it’s the secret sauce.  Even if it’s just a fleeting moment- being grateful to play outside in the summer with your kids, being grateful for childcare that lets you take a break, being grateful for a full night of sleep… all of this is more powerful than you know.  

Let me know in the comments how you’re leaning into your feminine energy!


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