Get comfortable with the new you, She’s pretty fabulous

A guide to rediscovering yourself and getting the fck out of your motherhood identity crisis.


Motherhood is the most magical, transformative experience a woman can have. Logically, we know this.  But so many of us have become mothers only to completely lose sight of ourselves or feel like our old selves no longer fit.  

The motherhood identity crisis is more common than most of us know, and it can be tricky to find our way out of it.  We are often overwhelmed in our everyday life, so even starting to get to know ourselves again feels daunting.  

I’m here to introduce the idea of self concept.  The actual definition of self concept is: an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.

And the good news? Defining your new self concept will help you feel more confident and connected and simplify your life. 

When you know what is important to you, you can make decisions accordingly rather than frantically putting out fires.  

Here’s how to define your new self concept:

  • Identify Priorities and Values:

    • Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you in life. What are your core values? What aspects of your life are most important to you? This could include relationships, career, personal development, health, or other areas. Knowing your priorities is the first step in simplifying your life. These have likely changed since becoming a mom.

  • Align Your Life:

    • Once you've identified your priorities and values, align your daily activities, relationships, and goals with them. Ensure that the choices you make and the actions you take are in harmony with what your priorities. This alignment creates a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

  • Eliminate the Non-Essentials:

    • Regularly assess your commitments, tasks, and relationships. If something doesn't align with your priorities or values, consider letting it go. As busy moms, our time is our most precious commodity. Now is the time to let go of what is no longer serving you or your family.

  • Set Goals:

    • Claim your goals with confidence. Set ambitious but achievable objectives that resonate with your values. These goals can be as seemingly mundane as creating and sticking to a skincare routine (this is what changed the game for me), or walking for 20 minutes. Your goals can be as big or small as you want them to be.

  • Be Proud of Yourself:

    • Take time to reflect on what you are proud of yourself for. Acknowledge traits you like about yourself, your achievements, anything that gives you a sense of pride. Challenge yourself to write down twenty reasons you are proud of yourself.

  • Acknowledge Your Strengths:

    • Write down your strengths. What are you good at? This is not the time to be humble, this is the time to seriously brag. Be real with yourself about where you thrive and take a moment to let it sink in.

  • Continuous Self-Reflection:

    • Regularly check in with yourself to make sure you are still feeling aligned. Mom life is dynamic, and tweaks will likely need to be made. Keep your priorities and values in mind while accepting the chaos.


If I could give my new mom self one piece of advice, this would be it