Self Confidence Building: Unlock Your Potential (with journal prompts!)

Let’s talk about building our self confidence back after becoming moms and how we can make this a daily habit.


In my opinion, the loss of self confidence for moms is talked about enough.  I struggled with this, and building my self-confidence again took intention, effort, and faith.

YES- when you become a parent there is a newfound strength.  You never knew you could survive on such little sleep.  You never knew you could love something SO much.  You never knew you could manage a tantrum in public and still have some of your dignity left. 

We go through all of these things and we find an incredible maternal strength.


We’ve also lost a big part of ourselves.  

We are not the girl we were before we had kids.  We have changed physically.  We have changed emotionally.  Our priorities are different.  Our careers are likely different.  

The shift in identity is seismic.  And it can lead to a loss of confidence, feeling like a shell of yourself or like you’re “just a mom”.  Whatever the fck that means.  

So, let’s talk about how where you’ve been and where you are now DOES NOT determine where you’re going.

The good thing about this identity shift is that it gives you a blank slate.  You get to reevaluate and determine what’s working for you NOW, and then act accordingly.  

So how do we put this into practice?

First, we acknowledge that we get to DECIDE who we will be. We don't have to let the past define us. We are a completely new version of ourselves, and we have to make our own rules. There is power in that. There is CONFIDENCE in that.

The Strategy

Because we are busy women, here is my strategy for building self confidence daily.

I like to do this in my journal or visualize it in my mind.

I start the night before by evaluating how my day went.

I ask myself:

  • What went well?

  • What could have gone better?

  • Where did I show up as my best self, and where did I falter a bit?

  • What kind of day do I want to have tomorrow?

  • How do I want to feel?

  • How do I want to show up tomorrow?

  • What actions do I need to take to move myself forward tomorrow?

I journal about these things in the evening so I can get them out of my mind before bed and so that I have a clear intention when I wake up in the morning.

When I wake up in the morning, I remind myself of what kind of day I want to have, and I immediately step into that version of myself.

This keeps you moving in the direction that you want to be moving in. It keeps you showing up how you want to show up and builds your self confidence in this new version of you.

Let me know in the comments how it's going for you! I'm cheering you on.


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