Bedtime Routine to Be That Mom

We have all heard that getting a good night’s sleep is essential to having a good day, looking and feeling our best, managing our stress, and managing our kids…. Getting adequate sleep is an absolute nonnegotiable.

HOWEVER- I know I’m not the only mom struggling with getting enough sleep.  Whether you have kids who are not sleeping through the night (a special kind of hell), or if you are staying up late to savor those few moments of alone time, getting a good nights sleep is not as easy as it sounds for busy moms.  

We can regain control of our sleep and evenings by implementing an intentional bedtime routine.  Yes, for US! Bedtime routines are not just for our kiddos! 

Here is my bedtime routine that relieves the mental load to get your head right for rest AND gets you into bed feeling like a pampered woman rather than a “momster” 


Bedtime Routine Checklist


Tidying up your environment before bedtime can work wonders for mental clarity and relaxation. A clutter-free space fosters a sense of calm, allowing you to unwind more effectively.


Who needs morning madness? Not you! Checking your schedule and prepping for the next day—whether it's laying out your workout gear or sorting your work bag—sets the stage for a smoother morning routine. Less chaos, more coffee—sounds like a win! 

Make sure you prep the following:

  • Work out gear

  • Work bag 

  • Outfit of the day


Self-care isn’t selfish- it’s essential! Incorporating skincare and oral care into your bedtime routine nurtures your physical health, self-esteem, and confidence! Nothing is better than crawling into bed feeling like you have pampered yourself a bit.


Something about topping off your day with a nighttime bevvie is so luxurious to me! An added benefit is that whether it's herbal tea or a warm cup of cocoa, sipping on something soothing signals your body that it's time to wind down. This is so helpful after a day of chaos!


This can be tricky because I love a nighttime scroll, just like everyone else. However, I definitely notice that when I scroll up until the last second, it is significantly harder to fall asleep. Just like our kids don’t always want to turn off their iPads or get in bed, we have to parent ourselves a little bit here and just turn. off. the. phone.


Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for a day well-lived. You did it. Another day in the books! This isn’t the time to beat yourself up about anything that may have gone off track. Take this moment to celebrate anything and everything that went well.

This is also a prime chance to set yourself up for success tomorrow.

Right before we fall asleep, our brains are in a specific type of brainwave that makes our subconscious easily accessible. This is a prime time to visualize how you want tomorrow to go and to think about how you want to show up and what you want to feel tomorrow.

I go into more detail on this in this previous post!


Easy Dinner Recipe When You Don't Want to Cook


If I could give my new mom self one piece of advice, this would be it