It’s time for Your Hot Mom Era

hot mom era

I’m entering my hot mom era, and I am unapologetic about it.  

Motherhood can be all-consuming, and in the midst of the chaos, we can easily lose ourselves. 

I know because it happened to me.  I’m a mom of three and had my three children quickly.  My twin boys were born in April 2020, and my daughter was born in May 2021.  My husband and I went from zero to three kids in a 13-month period.  

Not only that, but my daughter was born with a rare genetic disorder causing multiple disabilities and developmental delays. 

I was drowning in motherhood, and as much as I love being a mom, I had lost my own identity.  Not only that, but I was a completely different person after having kids, and I wasn’t even sure where to start.  

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the pivotal shifts that helped me go from overwhelm to empowered in my mom life. I’ll be covering:

  • What IS a “hot mom”?

  • Burning your Superwoman cape

  • My secret to finding time when I feel like I have none

  • How to get unstuck from your overwhelm

What is a “hot mom”

First off- let’s define “hot mom”, because yes there is inevitably some kind of aesthetic piece to it but that’s not what I think truly makes a “hot mom”.

And I certainly don’t think that fitting into conventional beauty standards is what makes a “hot mom”.  

When I think of a hot mom, I think of a mom who is in her flow state.  She’s got an outfit on that she feels confident in (aesthetic piece). She’s riding the waves of motherhood with an ease and grace about her.  She’s smiling at her kids more than she’s scowling at them.  She’s got her shoulders back, her head tall.  She looks people in the eye.  She’s created time for activities or hobbies that fill HER cup.  

She’s far from a martyr but also present and responsive to her family.  She knows her priorities.  

She’s moving through the world with confidence and grace. 

She’s created and is creating a happy and gorgeous existence for herself and her family.  

Now, this all sounds quite magical.  It sounds like the mom life I want to live.

But I also live in the reality of sick kids, extremely limited personal time, sleep deprivation, big emotions from young kids, bedtime battles and feeling lost in the shuffle.  

The question I keep asking myself is: how do we get from here- the sleep-deprived, overstimulated, feeling lost place to there- the confident and graceful mom who is surfing the waves of chaos with ease?

And the even trickier part is that this journey into our hot mom era will look different for all of us. 

So, with the caveat that this is an ever-evolving journey that will look different for each of us, let’s dive into the practical action we can take to dive into our hot mom era:

If you are ready to be in your Hot Mom Era and want a straightforward plan to get there, I invite you to join REINVENTION, where I go in-depth into how I changed my life from drowning in mom life to surfing the waves of motherhood.

Burn Your Superwoman Cape

We have been sold the idea that we can “have it all”, and while I’m not completely against this idea- I think there are nuances- I am completely against mothers being run into the ground because of society’s narrative that we can “have it all” if we just work harder, stay up later, meal prep, work out, meditate, keep our husbands happy, be professionally successful and present moms.  

Personally, I burned my superwoman cape about a year ago. I simplified my life as much as I could and I had to let go of a LOT.  I’m certainly not saying it was easy and as an ambitious woman, it’s still an adjustment.  But the mental and emotional space it allows us to have is precious. 

Take stock of your day-to-day routine.  Is there anything you are holding on to because you think you “should do it”?  Is there anything you can delegate or simply let go of?

Schedule + Preplanning

Motherhood is filled with so much chaos, so much juggling.  I used to be a go-with-the-flow kind of gal, but once I found myself in the trenches of mom life and wanted to find time for myself in my day, I got psychotic about my scheduling and planning.

How many times have you found yourself with a spare 30 minutes, even an hour and you think to yourself “this is amazing, I’m going to do something for myself” and then you just sit in silence or doom scroll and then the time has passed you by.

No more!! 

The key is diligently planning your day in as much detail as possible.  I found that there was an opportunity to be more intentional with my time this way, and I could find ways to fit in a walk or a project that I wanted to do. 

When I say diligent, I mean DILIGENT.  Down to the minute.  

I recommend using your Notes app or Notion to plan your day down to a tee.  Here’s an example of what my schedule in my Notes looks like.  

Beyond scheduling individual days, preplanning your days or weeks will truly relieve the mental load and decision fatigue. 

Before you feel like this is just *another* thing on your to do list, this has saved the day so many times when life has gone off the rails. The good thing is that you can always adjust and go off the schedule as needed, but it is there when you need some structure and to fit a lot in during the day. 

Get to Know the New You

Last but certainly not least, you have to acknowledge and accept that you are a brand new version of you.  This means giving yourself a ton of grace for the hard season that you’re in and evaluating what is important to you now?

I go more into this in my blog post about building your self-confidence after motherhood and even further into this in REINVENTION, a program designed specifically to help moms feel confident and live a life designed for them to be their best, hot mom selves. 

If you are ready to embrace your Reinvention as a new woman and fully step into your power, I hope you’ll join REINVENTION. In this program, I’ll be sharing the exact steps I took to get out of the motherhood rut and start feeling like the confident, worthy, beautiful mother that we all are.


What I’ve Learned from Going Viral on Instagram


Self Confidence Building: Unlock Your Potential (with journal prompts!)